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Rent and Utilities Assistance

Limited Assistance Available For:

  • rent
  • utilities  (Direct Energy, Ambit Energy, Reliant Energy, TXU Energy and Atmos)
  • prescriptions
happy family in front of home

families received assistance with rent payments

families received assistance with gas and electric bills

Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program

Dallas County Health & Human Services offers CEAP assistance at Irving Cares. The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is a utility assistance program. The program is designed to assist low income households in meeting their immediate energy needs. Dallas County HHS can assist with all utility vendors.

Utilities Assistance

Electric & Gas (Utility) Assistance Qualifications

  • Resident of Irving for at least 6 months
  • Been at current address for at least 3 months
  • Utility must have been open for a minimum of 90 days
  • Must have earned income and be able to show you can normally pay your bills
  • Irving Cares does not pay all of the utility bill. If you qualify, you will pay a portion of the bill as well
  • You and your roommate/spouse, can’t have received any other UTILITY or RENT assistance within the last 13 months

All of these must be verified before your case is approved.

Electric & Gas (Utility) Assistance Process

  1. Apply ONLY over the phone. (972) 721-9181
  2. Speak with a case manager
  3. The case manager will verify the application and confirm amount owed
  4. The case manager will call and inform you of the portion you will be responsible for as a copay.
  5. An appointment is set and you will be responsible to bring all paperwork and copy.

Rental Assistance

Rent Assistance Qualifications

  • All prior month’s rent must be paid
  • Resident of Irving for at least 6 months
  • Been at current address for at least 3 months
  • Must have a lease with everyone living in the household listed on it
  • Must have earned income equal or more than current rent and be able to show that you normally pay rent on your own.
  • Irving Cares does not pay all of the rent bill. If you qualify, you will pay a portion of the bill as well
  • You and your roommate/spouse, can’t have received any other RENT assistance within the last 5 years
  • You and your roommate/spouse, can’t have received any other ELECTRIC assistance within the last 13 months

All of these must be verified before your case is approved.

Rent Assistance Process

  1. Apply ONLY over the phone, (972) 721-9181, starting at 9 am. 
  2. Speak with a case manager in order to apply.

Please note:

  • Applications are taken until all spots are filled.
  • We have many requests for rental assistance; there will be high call volumes. You must keep calling until someone can take your application.
  • Once the maximum number of applications for the month is met, a representative will notify you we are not able to take more applications this month.

Sign up for services

Families and individuals can find help with immediate basic needs as well as support to build a brighter future. Irving Cares commits to providing services in a respectful and dignified manner without regard to race, color, gender, age, handicap, religion, or national origin.

ServicesRent and Utilities Assistance